Concerns and Complaints

Non-urgent advice: How to raise a Concern or Complaint

Our complaints procedure is in line with the NHS ‘Putting Things Right’.

We strive to offer an excellent service to our patients but do acknowledge that sometimes things can go wrong. If you are concerned about the service you have received or want to make a complaint, please speak to a member of the team. You will be given information about the Complaints Process and how we respond to and manage complaints. Our aim is to resolve all complaints in a timely manner and we will aim for local resolution each time. If this is not possible, you will be advised of other ways of dealing with your complaint.

Equally, if we do something well, we would very much appreciate your feedback.


Non-urgent advice: Complaints Procedure

Llanfyllin Group Practice welcomes suggestions and complaints. We would like to hear suggestions, views, and comments from patients, families, and carers. Have your say to help us review how we can best provide services within resources available. The Practice follows the NHS (Concerns, Complaints and Redress Arrangements) Regulations 2011. Posters and Leaflets are displayed within the surgery.

Key Features of the Complaint Process are:

  • Concerns can be raised no later than 12 months from the date on which the issue occurred.
  • Acknowledgement of concerns to be made within two working days of their receipt.
  • If you have a concern you can either speak to a membr of our team directly, or ask Powys Local Health Board to look into a concern instead of taking the matter to the Practice.

  You can download our Concerns & Complaints Form HERE 

Non-urgent advice: Llais - Your Voice in Health & Social Care

Patients can also contact Llais for advice, assistance, and support:

Powys Llais Tel: 01874 624206 / 01686 627632

Powys Llais Email:

To find out more about Llais, please visit their website:

Alternatively, you can view their handbook in both Welsh and English below:

Llais - Who We Are Handbook A4 - Cymraeg.pdf

Llais - Who We Are Handbook A4 - English.pdf