Eye Care Wales (WGOS)

Non-urgent advice: Wales General Ophthalmic Service

 The Wales General Ophthalmic Service consist of a number of different services including:

  • The WGOS Eye Examination
  • WGOS Examinations for Urgent Eye Problems
  • WGOS Low Vision Assessments
  • WGOS Referral Refinement of certain eye conditions
  • WGOS Monitoring of certain eye conditions
  • WGOS Independent Prescribing Optometry Service (IPOS)
  • WGOS Mobile Services for eligible individuals who are unable to attend an optometry practice

Non-urgent advice: What should I do if I have concerns about my sight?

The WGOS service is here to help anyone:

  • Who is worried about their sight or the sight of a relative or friend. If you or someone you know has an eye problem – whether it’s an emergency or your sight is gradually getting worse -- you should see a high street optometrist (also known as an optician) straight away. In many cases it won’t cost you anything and could save your sight.

Please find information to practices providing WGOS services by clicking the following link: NHS 111 Wales - Find WGOS Optician Services Near You

For further information about the WGOS service, please visit: Member of the Public - NHS Wales

Non-urgent advice: Emergencies or eye problems requiring urgent attention

If you have any concerns at all about your eyes, see a High Street optometrist (also known as an optician) straightaway. He or she will tell you if you are eligible for a free eye health examination. This examination is known as an Examination for Urgent Eye Problems and this available under the Wales General Ophthalmic Service. Some eye diseases can lead to blindness or some loss of vision, but if detected early enough, your eyesight can often be saved.

As part of an examination for an urgent eye problem the optometrist will carefully examine your eyes to see if anything is wrong. The tests and equipment they use will depend on what you tell them and what they find. An eye examination for an urgent eye problem is more in-depth than, and different to a routine vision test so it may take longer. If the optometrist decides you need an examination for an urgent eye problem, it won’t cost you anything.

You can find an optometrist on most High Streets in Wales. If you have a sight problem, you can go to your existing optometrist (if you have one) or just phone or walk into any practice that is convenient for you to get to.