PAVO - Community Connectors & Befrienders


Non-urgent advice: What is PAVO?

PAVO is the County Voluntary Council for Powys supporting the third sector in Powys (third sector is a term for the range of organisations including voluntary and community organisations, registered charities and associations, self-help groups and community groups, social enterprises, mutuals and co-operatives.)

Non-urgent advice: Community Connectors


The Service helps people in Powys (aged 18+) and their families or carers, to access community-level services and activities that will help them maintain independent lives and which help prevent their circumstances deteriorating to a point where they might need higher level health or social care services.

The service can also help support people when they return to home from hospital by helping other Third Sector services, such as Red Cross, identify additional local services that may be needed.

You can make a referral to the service through any of the following:​​​​​

  • Calling our Duty Officer, Community Connector Service on 01597 828649 (10am - 4pm Monday to Friday)
  • Email (9am - 5pm Monday to Friday)

To find out more about the Community Connector service and how they can help, please visit Community Connectors (

Non-urgent advice: Befrienders


Powys Befriending Service helps improve the independence of people over 50 by helping maintain social networks and remain in their own homes for as long as they are able.

Befriending volunteers are trained and police checked before visiting people in their own homes or in the community.

The services we offer are:

  • Face to face befriending in your own home or in a community setting
  • Telephone Befriending
  • Letter / email correspondence
  • Digital online befriending groups
  • Befriending groups

Do you know someone who could benefit from this service?

Call 01597 822 191 for an informal chat or email

To find out more about the Befriending service and how they can help, please visit Befriending (