Practice Updates

implaint coil
5th Jun

Implant & Coil Clinic Update

Having reviewed our clinical team capacity, we are now able to resume our Implant and Coil clinics at a larger scale at the practice.
If you are due to have your implant/ coil changed, or you would like to discuss having either an implant or coil fitted, please contact the practice on 01691 648 054.
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fundrasiing camp
25th Apr

Llanfyllin Group Practice Fundraising Campaign

We are today launching our practice fundraising campaign to help support and improve our dispensing service to our patients. Our aim is to raise enough funds to purchase a prescription collection unit for each of our three surgeries. The collection units provide a safe, quick, and secure way for patients to collect their pre ordered medication from the surgery of their choice, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Why are we fundraising?

There is only one pharmacy in our 600 square mile practice area. As with many rural areas, this means that GP practices not only prescribe necessary medication for patients but also dispense the medication to the patient. We are unique in that we dispense to the vast majority of our patients. Given our list size of 11,200 patients this means we dispense up to 1000 items a day from our three surgeries (almost double what a large city pharmacy would dispense). This workload is continuing to rise and becoming increasingly more complex. This causes issues not only for our patients, but for our practice team working under increased pressure.

Current challenges:

  • A major challenge for the practice is being able to turn around patients’ medication orders from the point of order to dispensing due to the well-known challenges of sourcing medication that is increasingly affecting pharmacies and dispensing doctors.
  • We also have a very elderly patient population who tend to rely on family or friends to collect their medication. Those people are increasingly working away from the area and hence struggle to get back by 6pm to collect their family member’s medication.
  • Limitations of our IT system also mean we cannot currently confirm to our volume of dispensing patients via text message or email that their medication is ready to collect which we know causes frustration to many of our patients.
  • Staffing recruitment and retention can be an issue in a rural area such as ours, the use of technology would support our team and boost resilience.

Whilst we do generate income from dispensing (as a community pharmacy would), in our practice, the dispensing income has always been used to support the provision of medical care across our rural area and three surgeries.  Our funding covers our main site in Llanfyllin only. With the increasing pressures and underfunding of general practice as a whole, that entire income is now needed to support funding the dispensary staff and primary care team. For more information on primary care funding issues, please visit: Wales save our surgeries campaign (

What are we proposing?

We want to bring in a prescription collection unit for each of our sites. These units will allow our patients to collect their medication at a convenient time for them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They will also help us future proof our practice, manage increased demand on our services, improve our services, and support staff retention and moral.

We have spoken with other practices that are using these machines and they have seen a huge positive effect on both their patients and staff.

For those patients who choose to sign up to collecting their medication from the collection unit they will receive a text informing them that their medication is ready to collect at their chosen site.

This text will also contain a unique code which will allow them to collect their medication from the collection machine at a time convenient them, either inside or outside our core opening hours.

By patients using this service, this will allow our dispensing staff to give more support to patients who need more help with their medication, medication queries and explanations of how to take medications and relay messages from the Doctors about changes.

Patients who just need to pick up medication, working people and those collecting for relatives would not have to wait in the surgery to collect, hence saving their time.  The medication dispensing machines will be an added service at the practice and will be very much patient choice as to whether they wish to collect their medication in this way as dispensary counters will remain manned during opening hours.

These machines cost in the region of £35,000 per machine, hence this fundraiser is a huge request for our population as we will need three. If you would like to know more about these units and how they will benefit our patients and practice, please visit the following links:

Pharmaself24 Automated Prescription-Collection Solution (

MedPoint: Automated Prescription Collection | 24/7 Medicine Collection (


  • By purchasing a dispensing collection unit for each surgery, we aim to provide a safe and secure way for patients to collect their pre ordered medication at a time convenient to them.
  • To reduce queues at peak times for patients collecting their medication
  • To give patients the confidence that their medication is ready for collection without making a lengthy journey when it may not be ready.
  • To allow our dispensary team more time to spend with those patients who would still need to collect their medication via the dispensary during working hours to discuss their medications or to ask for advice.
  • To support our dispensing team in performing their daily tasks and support staff retention and morale.

We are asking if anyone can support us in the way of a donation to our fundraiser however big or small.

If you would like to find out more information about the campaign or make a contribution towards our medication collection please contact Juliet Sagar, our Managing Partner via email -

We thank you again for your support in helping us to provide a better service for our patients and support our team.

2nd Apr

Important Partnership Update

We sadly say goodbye at the end of March to two of our GP partners, Dr Sarah Breese, and Dr Alex Cameron.

Dr Breese with us at the practice since 2012 and Dr Cameron since 2019.

We thank them for their service, dedication and commitment to our practice and patients in the time they’ve been with us, they will both be deeply missed by us all.

We are very pleased to let you know that we have successfully recruited a new GP to the practice, Dr Raman Rao will be joining us from April as a full time GP. Dr Rao comes with a wealth of experience and is very much looking forward to getting started at the practice and getting to know our practice team and patients.

We are also welcoming two of our longstanding practice team members to the practice partnership.

Juliet Sagar, Practice Manager and Tony Hewett, Practice Pharmacist will also be joining the practice partnership from April. Juliet has been with the practice since 2008 and Tony since 2016.

We wish all of our new partners every success in their new roles.

16th Feb

Important Medication Ordering Update

We recently completed a review of our dispensary service at the practice to ensure we are providing a safe, effective and timely service to our patients. You may be aware from the communications the practice puts out to patients that it has become increasingly challenging for dispensing practices to provide a timely service with the many and increasing stock shortages we are experiencing and more recently delivery issues impacting on our service.
As a part of our review we needed to look at safety governance, as a result we identified that there were issues with us accepting telephone answerphone messages from patients ordering their repeat medication. We completed an audit of the ways patients order their medications from the practice and whilst the majority of patients use our pre order dispensing system or order via online methods there remained a proportion who ordered by leaving an answerphone message at one of our surgeries.
The main reasons why it is not considered good practice to operate an answerphone message is the safety of interpreting an answerphone message, many of ours are not clear as to what the patient wants to order, only partial messages are left at time, patients don’t always know how to pronounce their medications leaving room for error in what is processed just as examples. Often our dispensers are having to try and contact patients back to confirm what is required. This isn’t a safe way of working nor do we have the capacity to manage this extra workload when there are a number of other ways in which patients can order their medication.
As a result, effective from Monday 1st April 2024 we will no longer be able to accept medication orders at any of our surgeries via patients leaving a message on a dispensary answerphone.
We recommend that any patients that currently use the answerphone as their primary method of ordering to move onto our Pre Ordered Dispensing System (PODS).
The PODS service works in the following way:
  • When you collect your repeat medication each month you will be handed a medication slip containing the medication currently on your repeat list.
  • You will be asked to tick all of the items you require for the following month and you can raise a query at this stage about any medication or request something that you may have had previously but that is not currently on repeat.
  • Please do not tick items you have sufficient quantity of, this allows us to minimise medication waste.
  • You will be handed a collection date for the following month for you to collect your medication
  • You do not need to place any further orders, just turn up on or just after your collection date and your medication will be ready for you
If you would like more information on our pre order medication service or to sign up to this service, please speak to one of our dispensers when collecting your next prescription at any of our surgeries.
Alternatively you can order through the following avenues:
  • My Health Online
  • My Surgery App/NHS Wales App
  • Our website – completing our medication request form via
  • Medication side slip – completed slips can be handed in to the dispensary at any surgery
  • Posting your order to the practice
We will be identifying our most vulnerable patients to ensure those patients are supported with ordering their medication where using any of our ordering methods would be too difficult for them
Thank you for your support as always
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1st Feb

Import Practice Update - MEASLES

You may be aware through the press that measles cases are rising in the UK. Updated infection prevention control guidelines have been provided to practices which we have reviewed, as a result it is necessary for us to put a number of actions into place.

These actions are necessary to ensure we can protect our patients, some of whom are extremely vulnerable, our staff and visitors to the practice and to safely manage any identified cases of measles in our community.

Effective immediately:

  • If you think you, or a family member, have been infected by measles, please DO NOT COME TO THE SURGERY. 
  • Please telephone the practice in the first instance and give the reception team as much information as you can to give us the best chance of identifying whether you have measles.
  • Symptoms of measles are a rash and feeling unwell (which may include cold-like symptoms or small white spots in the mouth) Further information from the NHS can be found here: Measles - NHS (
  • You will initially be booked for a triage telephone call with one of the clinical team.
  • If the clinician requests that you visit the surgery you will be asked to wait in your car until a member of the team calls you into an isolation room.
  • If you are unsure of your child’s measles vaccination status then please contact the practice for advice.

The number of people in Wales having the MMR vaccine has dropped since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that children who have not been vaccinated, or are only partially vaccinated, are unprotected. This increases the risk of measles outbreaks happening in nurseries or schools.  

Even a small drop in the number of people having the MMR vaccination can lead to an increase in measles cases. As there is more international travel since COVID-19 restrictions were lifted, there is a higher chance of measles being brought back from countries where it is common.  

Having two doses of the MMR vaccine is the best way to protect you and your child from measles, mumps and rubella.  

You can find more information on the vaccine and diseases atโ€ฏVaccinations - NHS (

enid hero
23rd Oct 2023

Practice Update - NHS Heroes Awards

As a part of the 75th Anniversary celebrations for the NHS, community councils were invited to nominate a team or individuals working within the NHS in their community to receive an NHS Heroes award.
We are so pleased to let our patients know that Penybontfawr Community Council nominated the practice, District Nurses and our very own Enid Ellis for NHS Heroes awards in Powys in recognition and thanks for the work we do as a practice looking after our patients. An awards ceremony took place at the practice at lunchtime on Thursday 19th October and we had some special cake to celebrate!
These awards really did mean so much to all of us, a warm thank you to Penybontfawr Community Council for taking the time to put in the nominations, it is very much appreciated by us all.
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smoking cess team
30th Aug 2023

Smoking Cessation Update

Powys Teaching Health Board have recently expanded the Smoking Cessation Team to further support smokers in Powys to quit and reach the national target of a ‘Smoke -free Wales’ by 2030.
The team ( pictured to the left) is led by our new Clinical Lead for Smoking Cessation, Ceri Peate (far left) and includes 3 dedicated Smoking Cessation Advisors (from left to right) Kathryn Jones, Mary Ann Pryce and William (Alex) Doran who are based across Powys .The team of Smoking Cessation Advisors have extensive experience in supporting clients in their journey to becoming smoke-free and are ready to receive further referrals for their service.
Whether it is visiting a local Smoking Cessation Clinic, meeting with other people who are also quitting on a regular basis or having virtual or telephone calls with one of our trained Smoking Cessation Advisors, there is an option suitable for everyone who wishes to give up smoking. The service includes access to FREE nicotine replacement medication. The Smoking Cessation team also work closely with pharmacies across Powys to ensure that clients using the service have as many options available to them as possible.
The support that the team provides can increase the chances of quitting up to 300% compared with going it alone! The health benefits of stopping smoking are immediate. To anyone who has struggled to quit, do not feel alone - the service is on hand to support you.
Powys Teaching Health Board are reintroducing Smoking Cessation clinics at Llanfyllin Group Practice from mid September 2023. If you would like to book in to see a Smoking Cessation Advisor at the practice, please call Reception on 01691 648 054, or fill out our online request form and a member of our team will contact you -
Alternatively, you can refer via the Help Me Quit Wales self-referral form at
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